Trusted Legal Partner

Service Banking Lawyer

With the strength of both legal knowledge and many years of practical experience in banking operations, the lawyers of Gattaca Law Firm can provide the following legal services to clients as credit institutions:

  • Regularly consulting law on the legal issues related to the daily business activities of the credit institution;

  • Supporting to negotiate, draft, review contracts/contract forms to ensure the maximum of interests of credit institutions in accordance with the law;

  • Consulting development and completeness of the charter and internal documents of credit institution such as credit policy, risk management policy, regulation on security assets and settlement of security assets, regulations on interest rate reduction, debt trading, debt classification and risk provisioning...

  • Appraisal of legality of investment project, entity status, records of security assets to support credit institution's consideration of credit granting

  • Participating or being as a representative to resolve disagreements and disputes arising in the business activities of the credit institution (including representaton other than proceedings and participation in proceedings) including disputes over debt collection rights , disputes over security assets and other disputes;

  • Coordinating or acting on behalf of the credit institution to develop and implement the plan for settling and recovering problematic debts;

  • Coordinating to train to provide new legal knowledge, problems resolving skills in accordance with the provisions of the law for officials according to the training demands of the credit institution;

  • Giving information, commenting on new documents and policies on banking and financial activities;

  • Providing legal documents at the request of credit institution.